Monday, May 7, 2018

Called to SERVE

Monday, April 23, 2018

Happy Monday!

I have had so many great experiences already in Searcy! The people here are very hard working and humble. Because of that we have so so many opportunities to serve families and individuals. Just this last week we did almost 15 hours of service! I'll run you through some of them:

Cabot Arkansas - I was in Cabot with elder draper on exchanges. It was so much fun to serve with him for a day. We went and did service for an older lady in the ward and put down mulch in the flower beds on her property. While doing so we found a lot of bugs id never seen before, huge spiders, lizards, and frogs. It was so much fun! Afterwards she gave us cookies and lemonade and sent us on our way.

Cabot Arkansas (again) - the next morning we woke up and got to go and shovel a lot of rabbit poo. It wasn't as nasty as it sounds. The family owns about 40 rabbits! They had us shovel all of the manure and put it in the bases of planting boxes they were going to start growing various vegetables in!

Diamond Ranch - We woke up early on Saturday morning to get to diamond ranch by 6. We got there and worked on the ranch all morning. We started off by herding all the cattle and running them through the ring so that we could give them all their vaccines. All the cattle they own (about 50) are longhorns. After giving a few some vaccines we helped out around the ranch with the rest of the animals including the horses, pigs, chickens, and ponies. Near the end we even helped castrate some of the bulls! Sorry no pictures of that! The hardest part was wrestling the bull so that we could do it. Took about 7 of us. Cool experience.

Searcy - we helped a family in our ward split a bunch of fire wood as well as clean up around the house. Overall a great time! Right afterwards they fed us a steak dinner! It was a lot of fun.

On the side we did some other various projects and small acts of kindness. I know that when we are serving other people, they can directly feel of the love that we and our Lord has for them. It's amazing!

In addition to exciting news we have been working with the Aguilar family, especially Eric who is the dad. Just last weekend we set a date with him to get baptised. He is such a humble man and is excited to serve in the church. He believes in and loves his family so so much. Most of all he is excited to be sealed to his, who is already a member of the church, in the temple. They are an amazing family and I am so thankful to be working with them! Also they are one of the only Hispanic families I have ever met in Searcy so they makes me happy to.

I'm working hard and having an amazing time. As I lose myself in the service of others, I become so happy. At the end of the day I am tired, sore, and sometimes emotionally drained. However, I am able to look back on what I have done, and know that I did something good that day. In a very small way, I changed the world.

Love you all so much! Expect some more fun pictures and stories

Elder C.R. Anderson

Steak Dinner with the Kelly family
Baby colt
Wagon ride
Wagon ride
Wagon ride
Spending the night with Elder smalling and elder parks
Cool arch at harding
Putting mulch in flower gardens
Old movie theater in town

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